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Showing posts from February, 2019

How to Stop People Pleasing and Find Approval Within

Seeking approval and people pleasing is a genetically ingrained trait that all humans have. For our ancestors who lived in tribes, getting ostracized from the group was life-threatening. As a result, disapproval is a legitimate fear that many people still suffer from nowadays. If you are one of these people, who find themselves bending over backward just to please someone else, this trait can become toxic and destroy your self-esteem. Whether you are looking for approval from your coworkers, family or friends, it will often result in you giving up your own values for someone else, and your personal boundaries being overstepped. Getting over this fear is a process that takes time and effort, but it is necessary for future progress. The end result means understanding that your own approval is the only validation you will ever need. Where Does Your Fear Come From? Starting this process requires you to go back to your earliest memories and try to detect why you are...

Developing Intuition: The Highest Intelligence Known to Man

Because we all have unsolved questions in our hearts. Intuition : the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning . Whether we consciously realize it or not, we use intuition, gut feeling, or hunch, in our daily lives. For example, when we meet a stranger, our rational mind can’t tell us what kind of a person they are. But our intuition just “knows”.  Our intuition takes in all the visual and auditory information – their intonation, subtle gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posture and synthesizes it to make a quick judgment on that person’s character. Basically, our intuition catches on the “vibes” the stranger gives off. Hence, we should focus on developing intuition to access new opportunities and profound wisdom. Your Gut Has Its Own Brain There’s a strange yet compelling finding that shows our gut feeling is perhaps the greatest intelligence there is. According to Richard Cytowic, Professor of ne...

7 Principles To Live By For Success & Happiness

A reasonable life can be achieved by anyone. An OK life, an OK job… OK relationships… 
anyone can have these. If you want a great life, you must commit to leading a great life. To doing things the majority do not do. 
Commit to thinking like the minority, not like the majority. Here are 7 principles to live by, 
for an abundant, happy, successful life: Number One: The first principle to live by is that one day you will be gone. It may be in 50 years… it maybe in 50 weeks… it may be next week, or even today, I don’t know, you don’t know – nobody knows. And rather than live in fear of this, we should embrace the FACT this life is short – short and unpredictable. Knowing this we must live FULLY TODAY. It is not a recipe for recklessness, rather a recipe to give your all TODAY. to give your very BEST today. In everything you do. To give your greatest energy to this day. To your family, to everyone you encounter TODAY. It is a reminder for you to leave your best self ...

Emotionally Mature Women Would Much Rather Be Single Than Mingle With Assholes

However, there is one thing that is crystal clear, and that is; emotionally mature women do not have time to deal with immature assholes. This is why most mature women are either alone or in prosperous relationships. They are mature enough to remove themselves from the clutches of teeny-bopping immature people who only seek to dumb them down with their lack of understanding about how the worlds works. Many of us are afraid to be single because being single means being lonely. The difference between those people and an emotionally mature person is that they understand that being single is better than being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you, honour you or truly love you. It’s also virtually impossible to truly love someone without truly loving yourself first. Happiness is key to living your life to the fullest, if you are not happy in your relationship its best you work on it, or leave. It does not matter whether or not the person you’re with relie...

Thinking About Settling Down? Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Not To

We’re conditioned from an early age into believing that finding the ‘one’, having a family and settling down is what life’s all about, but actually, life is about so much more than that. Society has pushed ‘this perfect life’ picture on to us for years and created a sense of fear that if we don’t achieve this the perfect life picture we will end up alone and unhappy, and its sad because many of us will grow up with this belief. To top it all there’s this looming thing called the ‘biological clock’ which drives many of us into relationships we aren’t truly happy in all for the sake of procreating. As a result we see more and more young people tying the knot out of fear that they will end up miserable and lonely and would not have left any off spring to carry their name into the future. The most important question we are all forgetting to ask is; WHAT’S THE HURRY ? Why is it so important for us humans to feel whole with another person Choosing to settle in a rela...

Your Pain Is Part Of Your Puzzle – Inspiring Speech To Help You Move On

Whatever pain you’ve been through. Whatever pain you’re going through… know that it wasn’t sent to make you weaker… know that it was sent to make you stronger. Trust that it wasn’t sent to beat you down… but to raise you up. Trust that it wasn’t sent to break you, but to make you. Think of your life like a giant puzzle. In order to complete the puzzle. The masterpiece that is your life… every piece is just as important as the other. You have different shapes, different colours… on their own they seem random and incomplete… but together they make sense. Once all the pieces come together you can see the bigger picture… You have to be able to see the bigger picture in your life… or at least have faith your puzzle will come together in time. But your puzzle won’t come together unless you have your eyes open… If you quit and walk away… your puzzle will never come together. If you give up at the first sign of struggle you might not get to see the bigger picture of y...